Posts Tagged vedrana
Otherwise Occupied
In our docks battle we have appearances from Sanguis and Ironheim, both $15+ Tank pledgers to the Experience Boost Patreon! They get cameos in the comic as well as bonus strips, wallpapers, and high-res downloads of every comic. That all […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New Depths
Nemeses, Plural
Update 4/16: Sorry gang, the PAX Plague I’ve been fighting for the past week has finally overwhelmed me, so there’s no comic today (Monday). Hopefully I’ll fend it off in time for a regular Wednesday update.
Say My Name
I am returned from PAX East! I had a great time, and played some great games. But now I am home, and I can feel the PAX Pox rising inside me, despite my efforts to thwart it.
An Enemy At Some Gates
Hey gang! I’m currently attending PAX East with the PAX Pokemon League! As such, there will be no comic on Monday! Sit in this cliffhanger for even longer!
Skeleton Crew
Have you seen the Experience Boost Patreon? There’s bonus comics and wallpapers, high-resolution versions of every strip, Patron art request streams. There’s more Experience Boost that you could be getting! It’s good Experience Boost you’re just leaving on the table! Click the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Out With the Old
So the Experience Boost Patreon has hit the goal for me to start doing monthly art request streams, with the first being next Monday, the 19th, looking at around 4pm central time (5pm eastern). You’ll be able to catch it […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…