ROFL!! That’s what happened when I chose “Arugadh”…I had this whole Gaelic nomenclature explanation that no one wanted to hear…and it got shortened to Rug in the first ten minutes.
This strip is absolutely hilarious in hindsight, every nerd I know with a deep interest in name meanings, including myself, has transitioned since this comic came out.
ROFL!! That’s what happened when I chose “Arugadh”…I had this whole Gaelic nomenclature explanation that no one wanted to hear…and it got shortened to Rug in the first ten minutes.
You got it better than people called richard.
This strip is absolutely hilarious in hindsight, every nerd I know with a deep interest in name meanings, including myself, has transitioned since this comic came out.
That’s me naming a character. Twenty pages of thought behind something that takes 5 seconds to give out…
*Sees “Kieran” in the text wall, thinks of the Pokémon character*
Ogre. He’d be an ogre in this game.