The Breakdown
Hey gang,
I’ll be travelling to PAX East this week and participating in the PAX Pokemon League there once again! So pardon another break, with comics resuming April 3rd.
On the plus (but also minus side), this should be the last break in the schedule between now and the comic’s end, which you may have heard me mention is not all that far off, in case the villain having a loud, awful breakdown was not enough an additional clue.
And there it is. He has lost all sense of superiority and has stooped as low as to say such a lame and overused rage fueled insult.
What a charmer. His parents must be so proud.
Good job Robin, for making a great character that everyone(?) hate.
Aww, baby needa his nappy changed.
Going to be sad to see this end. Any plans on another webcomic once this is over?
“You aren’t getting any loot or achievements for this!”
And? Fun is fun. You don’t need to get loot and achievement for playing the game.
As to the rest, I think Ohran should remember, one of the people he is saying this to knows where he lives and would very likely be able to find ways to make his life a living hell. Because siblings are able to do that when they really, really, really want to.
I have to agree with him. None of them have been anywhere near as low as this guy’s level.
Still sad near the end, but this breakdown is super satisfying. As said elsewhere, Orhan is great to hate.
I’ve been playing games since I was 3. My first game ever was Warcraft 2. I still have no idea why people baselessly throw around slut as insult to women they know nothing about lmao.
They’re still all typing this, aren’t they?
Going to be interesting how he’s going to react when the devs read all this and the ban him 🙂
I personally look forward to the next comic where Orhan turns to try and leave, and bumps right into a GM avatar.
Can’t wait to see his final scream of rage get cut off mid-sentence when the ban hammer descends.
Ew. Orhan spit.
And let us all pay a visit to sadtrombone dot com to hear the musical accompaniment to Orhan’s rage.
The looks of sheer boredom and contempt on Vedrana and Veldaz’s faces is really nice. The tired looks of ladies who’ve dealt with this and so much worse and are just… I don’t wanna say amused, but perhaps exasperated that this is all that he’s got left and he’s still running with it.
I mean, no comment on Veldaz because she has no backstory like that yet, but this is definitely the worst guy Vedrana’s ever dealt with so far or it wouldn’t be a big overarcing story issue?
General, not specific.
I can only imagine what Lys’ reaction to all this is.
Out of curiosity, is the comic coming to an end in the not-too-distant-future because it’s simply the end of the story you had in mind, or is it just not something you want to dedicate the time to anymore so you’re ending it when the current story ends?
aww a break before liz up loads the audio in a ticket and gets him banned?
This is all being typed, devs can just read the chat logs
Tell me that his head just gonna ka-boom tomorrow!
Such a great update, it’s going to be really sad to see the last great MMO comic go.
I hesitate to recommend it because it’s an “adult” comic, but ‘Druids’ is still ongoing (although it’s also approaching it’s end). I do so anyway because the story definitely gets the vast majority of the focus after some of the beginning bits (the author even said if they could do it again they’d tone it down). So if you can deal with some sex scenes, maybe give that a shot. It’s based in WoW’s universe. The story has a more serious tone, it’s not a comedy.
Still waiting for the “All characters IRL-reveal” after all of these. A_A
Yes, please!
I’m expecting the response to that outburst will be “U mad bro?” hopefully from Lys.
Also, I’d really like this series to end with an Animal House style summary of what each character went on to do with pics of them IRL.
Inb4 the greatest redemption arc we’ve ever seen