Legion Survival Hunter reference?
Regarding the mouseover: A roll of PSA office tape in a dispenser
To my left was my dog. That is already a Ranger weapon. This is not news!
Half-eaten carrot here. Good luck trying to poke someone’s eye out with that.
Hmm – left is a chair – hardcore wrestling ranger survival spec?
A nintendo 3DS. Made of nintendium, hardest material knownn to man.
Plastic Wonder Woman insulated mug that I drink my water out of every day. Yes, it could totally be a weapon.
Agi Dagger? Ranger Loot.
Int Mace? Ranger Loot.
Rabid Legion Murlock Expy? … Ranger Loot.
I look left. The first thing I see is a blanket. It hangs there for when the weather is cold enough. In short, hunter weapon is a blanket statement…
A cupboard…………… Well I am a Dwarf. ^_^
A jar of “Pure Natural Honey” with a shooter marble sitting on it someone left here
An empty plastic Coca Cola bottle? Why not?
Electric shaver. Definitely a ranger weapon.
Wintergreen icebreakers.
A cat tree. I would love to see a Ranger wield this in battle.
lol same.
…Chair. Seems legit.
Ahh… just like back in the wow days when nearly everything was seen as a hunter wep.
Those days return.
And you saying that just made it a 100% chance of it not being a hunter weapon. Good job.
A cordless phone. Not a cell phone, but an honest-to-goddess cordless phone with base station that needs to be plugged into a phone line.
To my left is a jewelry box shaped like a book. I think.
Today it is a sealed plastic bag of bedsheets
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Legion Survival Hunter reference?
Regarding the mouseover: A roll of PSA office tape in a dispenser
To my left was my dog. That is already a Ranger weapon. This is not news!
Half-eaten carrot here. Good luck trying to poke someone’s eye out with that.
Hmm – left is a chair – hardcore wrestling ranger survival spec?
A nintendo 3DS. Made of nintendium, hardest material knownn to man.
Plastic Wonder Woman insulated mug that I drink my water out of every day. Yes, it could totally be a weapon.
Agi Dagger? Ranger Loot.
Int Mace? Ranger Loot.
Rabid Legion Murlock Expy? … Ranger Loot.
I look left. The first thing I see is a blanket. It hangs there for when the weather is cold enough. In short, hunter weapon is a blanket statement…
A cupboard…………… Well I am a Dwarf. ^_^
A jar of “Pure Natural Honey” with a shooter marble sitting on it someone left here
An empty plastic Coca Cola bottle? Why not?
Electric shaver. Definitely a ranger weapon.
Wintergreen icebreakers.
A cat tree. I would love to see a Ranger wield this in battle.
lol same.
…Chair. Seems legit.
Ahh… just like back in the wow days when nearly everything was seen as a hunter wep.
Those days return.
And you saying that just made it a 100% chance of it not being a hunter weapon. Good job.
A cordless phone. Not a cell phone, but an honest-to-goddess cordless phone with base station that needs to be plugged into a phone line.
To my left is a jewelry box shaped like a book. I think.
Today it is a sealed plastic bag of bedsheets