Idk, maybe if it was pushed into a single comic with lots of text, but otherwise, the comic hasn’t delved into real life stuff more than it needed to to set up the characters, with the exception of the RoQ forum stuff. I don’t really want that to change.
I guess Vedrana’s just not a very keran person.
You monster!
You know, it took me a while on this pun, because in my head I pronoun it KEE-RON. Five mins later I’m like: “HAHAHAH that’s great!”
I’d love to even try and top this, but man, that’s the Matterhorn of good bad pun comments.
I see what you are Sajon. She should have Lysandra le well, but instead she chose to Sharah game of cards with Castor.
Hey, a mention of the move that started this whole adventure.
I wanna know more.
Indeed. I’d like to know the lore behind this little tidbit.
Idk, maybe if it was pushed into a single comic with lots of text, but otherwise, the comic hasn’t delved into real life stuff more than it needed to to set up the characters, with the exception of the RoQ forum stuff. I don’t really want that to change.