Zhusen is clearly a server treasure. She helps out *everyone* in her faction, without expectation of recompense, because the simple fact she *could* help was enough. She chose her class because she wanted to help others. And here, we see the results of what happens when you start harassing someone who is loved by the entire server and her friends.
You get the *very* big, *very* angry and *very* skilled players pissed off. And then things go down hill from there.
Zhu is loved. Zhu is protected <3
And now half the server will show up cause everyone is zhusen’s friend!
And everyone else will show up because Fishing Guy is Zhu’s friend too.
What class is Flaming-Head-Person? Blackguard as well? Or is Blackguard a Legion-only class?
Full Fabled tier raid geared warrior probably.
Yeah, how dare they keep the ridiculous raid gear visuals instead of playing dress up like the rest of us.
I don’t know. A flaming helmet is one of those things you’ll wear all through your character’s career if you can get it. Same with a lightning helm.
Just ask my guild’s Shaman and DK, respectively.
/smug emote: Confirmed
The smugness and Zhusen’s poses are great, but the alt-text had me actively chuckling.
Aww, so sweet.
Are they using zhusy as a bait for ALL the white knights in general chat ?
Huh… I wonder if some Legion folks will be upset as well.
Zhusen is clearly a server treasure. She helps out *everyone* in her faction, without expectation of recompense, because the simple fact she *could* help was enough. She chose her class because she wanted to help others. And here, we see the results of what happens when you start harassing someone who is loved by the entire server and her friends.
You get the *very* big, *very* angry and *very* skilled players pissed off. And then things go down hill from there.