Okay, this one flew over my head, what’s the reference?
That most top tier guilds have one word names that are unoriginal and are typically full of pretend frat boys who are probably like 17 years old, brah.
paragon, method oh god i see her point!
But Death and Taxes was a top guild a ways back, and their name was three words.
Though the top guilds on my server have followed the one word trend – Ascend, Clarity, Legitimate, Aftermath, etc.
How the hell would Keran know what a top tier raiding guild is full of? I can only assume this was previously a complaint from Vedrana.
She can learn things.
The point was more “how could she learn that” without ever having been in a top tier raiding guild before.
maybe reading the forums?
It’s more that those names make her picture someone wearing a Tapout shirt and a sideways visor hat sitting at their computer.
ROFL I approve of that answer
Chugging energy drinks all the way?
Or “slamming” them. Depends on the number of wipes.
I am just going to go ahead and think outloud. “Experience Boost” is going to become the Guild.
Nope. Vedrana will shorten it to Boost.
But then there will be a typo, and they will be stuck with Boots, somehow. Hilarity will then ensue…
Boots is an awesome name though. 😀
ROleplayers And Raiders.
Other suggestions include:
Harlot’s Virtue and The Honeyglows
Other characters’ guild names might include: Orhan’s Orphans Theronimo Castor Nets xMurderBanex (he is far egotistical to have a different name)
This might be my favorite first comment from a new commenter ever.
I love imagining Kieran doing a dudebro voice in this.
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Okay, this one flew over my head, what’s the reference?
That most top tier guilds have one word names that are unoriginal and are typically full of pretend frat boys who are probably like 17 years old, brah.
paragon, method oh god i see her point!
But Death and Taxes was a top guild a ways back, and their name was three words.
Though the top guilds on my server have followed the one word trend – Ascend, Clarity, Legitimate, Aftermath, etc.
How the hell would Keran know what a top tier raiding guild is full of? I can only assume this was previously a complaint from Vedrana.
She can learn things.
The point was more “how could she learn that” without ever having been in a top tier raiding guild before.
maybe reading the forums?
It’s more that those names make her picture someone wearing a Tapout shirt and a sideways visor hat sitting at their computer.
ROFL I approve of that answer
Chugging energy drinks all the way?
Or “slamming” them. Depends on the number of wipes.
I am just going to go ahead and think outloud.
“Experience Boost” is going to become the Guild.
Nope. Vedrana will shorten it to Boost.
But then there will be a typo, and they will be stuck with Boots, somehow. Hilarity will then ensue…
Boots is an awesome name though. 😀
ROleplayers And Raiders.
Other suggestions include:
Harlot’s Virtue
The Honeyglows
Other characters’ guild names might include:
Orhan’s Orphans
Castor Nets
xMurderBanex (he is far egotistical to have a different name)
This might be my favorite first comment from a new commenter ever.
I love imagining Kieran doing a dudebro voice in this.