Maybe A Township
Okay, next is the Experience Boost Patreon. Has anyone not done this fight before? Okay, here’s the quick strat: Click the link and head to the Patreon, pledge to the Patreon and it will support the comic. There are several stages, when we hit each one, new rewards for patrons unlock. Rewards range from patron-only wallpapers to bonus strips.
Okay, everyone got it? Alright, pull.
“Next person to damage another raid member with explode is getting Orhanded!”
“G-Kick City, Population: Shitters.”
This strip has a North/South Korea feel to it.
Best/False Korea*
The final boss of the raid is in a room with pvp rules, and both groups arrives at the same time 🙂
It’s so sweet of Orhan to be recruiting for Vedrana 😀
Drama bomb: yield 1 gkick
Is this setting up for Orhan’s guild to fall apart.. again? Seems like it would be a weird story arc when the guild could have just disbanded after the earlier incident.
We’ll see where its headed though!
Orhan seems too obsessively hateful to give up like that. He may be cracking, but he still wants the guild he stole to succeed so that he can rub it in his enemies faces that they couldn’t beat him.(I think)
They blew up the Death Star, but didn’t kill the Emperor. Once you do both, well that’s it.
I read that alt text in the voice of the Super Friends narrator.
“MeanWHILE in the same raid!”